The Republic of Agora



【初選47人案・審訊第 116 日】

獨媒報導 | 2023.11.29
  • 控方結案陳詞指濫用議員職權亦屬「非法手段」 官料3至4個月後裁決
  • 辯方指被告僅追求《基本法》所承諾雙普選、望政權問責 不應構成顛覆
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European Security Transformed

Ed Arnold and Peter Jones | 2023.11.24

The European security in transformation is starting to settle into new patterns, accelerated by Russia’s war on Ukraine, as new actors and groupings emerge. For the UK, this shifting landscape creates both challenges and leadership opportunities as it heads towards its next general election.

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N. Korea’s Sanctions-Busting

Daniel Salisbury | 2023.11.22

Pyongyang’s alleged decision to close around a quarter of its overseas missions reflects both the evolving sanctions-busting landscape and more concerning rapidly shifting geopolitical realities.

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“Sewage Of The Cold War”

Philip Shetler-Jones | 2023.11.21

Although China’s views on NATO have fluctuated since the early days of the Cold War, Beijing’s recent statements on the alliance have sharpened.

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Eight Commonsense Actions

J. Stephen Morrison and Michaela Simoneau | 2023.11.21

Today, there is a shared sense of vulnerability and a shared resolve across political divides to better protect the United States and the world against the accidental release of biological agents (biosafety), deliberate misuse of biological agents (biosecurity), and naturally occurring spillover of dangerous pathogens.

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Struggling, Not Crumbling

Katarzyna Zysk | 2023.11.20

Notwithstanding its difficulties at the front in Ukraine and economic hardships at home, Russia continues to pursue AI and other emerging technologies in a bid to future-proof its armed forces. However, it faces several major hurdles to before it can reach its objective of achieving battlefield superiority in selected areas.

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Submarine Diplomacy

Matthew P. Funaiole, et al. | 2023.11.17

China is quietly deepening its influence along the Bay of Bengal, intimately linked to Beijing’s expanding overseas interests. Commercial satellite imagery reveals that China has made significant progress on a naval base it is constructing for Bangladesh’s military. The base houses a pair of submarines that Dhaka received from Beijing two years before ground broke at the facility. China has likewise transferred a submarine to neighboring Myanmar to aid the embattled military regime.

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New Energy Supply Chains

Michal Meidan, et al. | 2023.11.16

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has focused attention on energy supply chains and contributed to growing unease in the West about the fact that supply chains for the commodities necessary for the global energy transition are highly concentrated in China (or under Chinese control).

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ESG Applied To Mining

Romina Bandura and Austin Hardman | 2023.11.16

As demand for minerals increases to achieve an energy transition, companies, regulators, and end users will need to assess the entire mine-to-market value chain to ensure that all firms are incentivized to adhere to best practices.

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AUTHOR | -0001.12.31



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